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21 Shirao,T., Hayashi,K., Ishikawa,R., Isa,K., Asada,H., Ikeda,K. and Uyemura,K. “Formation of thick curving bundles of actin by drebrin A expressed in fibroblasts.” Exp. Cell Res. 215:145-153 (1994)
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40 Ochiishi,T., Saitoh,Y., Yukawa,A., Saji,M., Ren,Y., Shirao,T., Miyamoto,H., Nkakta,H. and Sekino,Y. “High level of adenosine A1 receptor-like immunoreactivity in the CA2/CA3a region of the adult rat hippocampus” Neurosci. 93:955-967(1999)
41 Hatanpaa,K., Isaacs,K.R., Shirao,T., Brady,DR. and Rapoport,S.I.” Aging of the human brain: Loss of synaptic proteins regulating plasticity.” J. Neuropathol. and Exp. Neurol. 58: 637-643 (1999)
42 Hayashi,K., Ishikawa,R., Kawai-Hirai,R., Takagi,T., Taketomi,A. and Shirao,T. “Domaoin ananlysis of the actin-binding and actin-remodeling activities of drebrin." Exp. Cell Res. 253: 673-680 (1999)
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44 Tanaka,S., Sekino,Y. and Shirao,T. “The effects of neurotrophin-3 and brain-derived neurotrophic factor on cerebellar granule cell movement and neurite extension in vitro.” Neurosci. 97: 727-734 (2000)
45 Tezuka,M., Oda,O., Nishi,H., Nagaseki,Y., Nishimatsu,T., Kobayashi,S., Shirao,T. and Inoue,H.K. “Cellular and molecular changes during the process of repair of spinal cord injury in infant rats.” Neurotrauma Res. 12:57-60 (2000)
46 Shirao,T. and Sekino,Y. “Clustering and anchoring mechanisms of molecular constituents of postsynaptic scaffolds in the spine” Neurosci. Res. 40: 1-7 (2001)
47 Yamazaki,H., Takahashi,H., Aoki,T. and Shirao,T. “Molecular Cloning and Dendritic Localization of rat SH3P7” Eur. J. Neurosci. 14: 998-1008 (2001)
48 Ikeda, M., Segara,M., Sekino,Y., Shirao,T., Honda,K., Yoshioka,T., Allen,CN. and Inoue,S.“The sulphydryl reagent, N-ethylmaleimide, disrupts sleep and blocks A1 adenosine receptor-mediated inhibition of intracellular calcium signaling in the in vitro ventromedial preoptic nucleus.” Neurosci. 106: 733-743 (2001)
49 Kobayashi,S., Shirao,T., and Sasaki,T. “Drebrin expression is increased in spinal motoneurons after axotomy.” Neuorsci. Lett. 311: 165-168 (2001)
50 Tomidokoro,Y., Harigaya,Y., Matsubara,E., Ikeda,M., Kawarabayashi,T., Shirao,T., Ishiguro,K., Okamoto,K., Yonkin,S.G. and Shoji,M. “ Brain Aß amyloidosis in APPsw mice induces accumulation of presenilin-I and tau.” J. Pathol. 193: 500-506 (2001)
51 Tezuka, M., Oda, O., Nishi, H., Nagaseki, Y., Nishimatsu, T., Kobayashi, S., Shirao, T., Inoue, HK, “Vimentin-expressing astorcytes and dendrite regeneration during spinal cord repair in infant rats.” Neurotrauma Res, 13: 59-62 (2001)
52 Oda,O., Tezuka, M., Nichi, H., Nishimatsu, T., Kobayashi, S., Shirao, T., Inoue, HK., “Cellular responsesand cavity formation after brain injury in infant and adult rats” Neurotrauma Res, 13 11-15 (2001)
53 Jin, Mi., Tanaka,S., Sekino,Y., Ren,Y., Yamazaki,H., Kawai-Hirai,R., Kojima,N. and Shirao,T. “A Novel Brain-Specific Mouse Drebrin: cDNA Cloning, Chromosomal Mapping, Genomic Structure, Expression, and Functional Characterization” Genomics 79:686-692 (2002)
54 Ferhat, L., Esclapez, M., Represa, A., Fattoum, A., Shirao ,T., and Ben-Ari, Y. “Upregulation of acidic calponin during dendritic spine plasticity following pilocarpine-induced seizures” Hippocampus 13:845-858 (2003)
55 Takahashi, H., Sekino, Y., Tanaka S., Mizui, T., Kishi, S, and Shirao, T., “Drebrin-dependent Actin Clustering in Dendritic Filopodia Governs Synaptic Targeting of Postsynaptic Density-95 and Dendritic Spine Morphogenesis” J. Neurosci. 23:6586–6595 (2003)
56 Tezuka, M., Oda, O., Shirao, T., Inoue, HK., “Microglia/macrophage reactions and cell proliferation during the repair of spinal cord injuries in infant rats” Neurotrauma Res, 15: 17-20 (2003)
57 Kobayashi,R., Sekino,Y., Shirao,T., Tanaka,S., Ogura,T., Inada,K., and Saji,M. “Antisense knockdown of drebrin A, a dendritic spine protein, causes stronger preference, impaired pre-pulse inhibition, and an increased sensitivity to psychostimulant.” Neurosci. Res.49:205-217 (2004)
58 Butkevich, E., Huelsmann,S., Wenzel, D., Shirao,T., Duden, R., and Majoul, I., “Drebrin is a novel Connexin-43 binding partner that links gap junctions to the submembrane cytoskeleton.” Curr. Biol. 14:650-658 (2004)
59 Hanaoka, R., Ohmori Y., Uyemura, K., Hosoya, T., Hotta, Y., Shirao, T., and Okamoto, H .”Zebrafish gcmb is required for pharyngeal cartilage formation” Mech Dev. 121:1235-1247 (2004)
60 Aoki, C., Sekino, Y., Hanamura, K., Fujisawa, S., Mahadomrongkul, V., Ren, Y., and Shirao, T. “Drebrin A is a Postsynaptic Protein that Localizes in vivo to the Submembranous Surface of Dendritic Sites Forming Excitatory Synapses” J. Comp. Neurol. 483: 383-402 . (2005)
61 Mizui, T., Takahashi, H., Sekino, Y., and Shirao, T. “Overexpression of drebrin A in immature neurons induces the accumulation of F-actin and PSD-95 into dendritic filopodia, and the formation of large abnormal protrusions.” Mol. Cell. Neurosci. 30: 149 – 157 (2005)
62 Mahadomrongkul, V., Huerta, P.T., Shirao, T., Aoki, C. “Stability of the distribution of spines containing drebrin A in the sensory cortex layer I of mice expressing mutated APP and PS1 genes” Brain Res. 1064: 66-74 (2005)
63 Sekino, Y., Tanaka, S., Hanamura, K., Yamazaki, H., Sasagawa, Y., Xue Y., Hayashi, K., and Shirao, T. “Activation of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor induces a shift of drebrin distribution: disappearance from dendritic spines and appearance in dendritic shafts” Mol. Cell. Neurosci. 31: 493-504 (2006)
64 Takahashi, H., Mizui T. and Shirao, T. “Downregulation of drebrin A expression suppresses synaptic targeting of NMDA receptors in developing hippocampal neurons” J. Neuochem 97(s1):110-115 (2006)
65 Fujisawa, S., Shirao, T., Aoki, C. “In vivo, competitive blockade of NMDA receptors induces rapid shape change of post-synaptic spines and F-actin reorganization within dendritic spines of adult rat cortex.” Neuroscience 140:1177-1187 (2006)
66 Chang EH, Savage MJ, Flood DG, Thomas JM, Levy RB, Mahadomrongkul, V., Shirao, T., Aoki, C., Huerta, P.T. “AMPA receptor downscaling at the onset of Alzheimer’s pathology in double knock-in mice” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) 103: 3410-3415 (2006)
67 Shirai, K., Mizui, T., Suzuki, Y., Kobayashi, Y., Nakano, T., Shirao, T. “Differential effects of x-irradiation on immature and mature hippocampal neurons in vitro.” Neurosci. Lett. 399: 57-60 (2006)
68 Majoul, I., Shirao, T., Sekino, Y., Duden, R. “Many faces of Drebrin: from building dendritic spines and stabilizing gap junctions to shaping neurite-like cell processes” Histochem. Cell Biol. 127:355-361 (2007)
69 Kojima, N., Shirao, T. “Synaptic dysfunction and disruption of the postsynaptic drebrin-actin complex: the study of neurological disorders accompanied by cognitive deficits.” Neurosci. Res. 58:1-5 (2007)
70 Kato, K., Sekino, Y., Takahashi, H., Yasuda, H., Shirao, T., “Increase of AMPA receptors-mediated miniature EPSC amplitude after chronic NMDA receptor blockade in cultured hippocampal neurons” Neurosci. Lett. 418:4-8 (2007)
71 Kobayashi, C., Aoki, C., Kojima, N., Yamazaki, H., and Shirao, T., “Drebrin A content correlates with spine head size in the adult mouse cerebral cortex” J. Comp. Neurol. 503:618-626 (2007)
72 Sekino Y, Kojima N, Shirao T. “Role of actin cytoskeleton in dendritic spine morphogenesis” Neurochem. Int. 51: 92-104 (2007)
73 Sekino Y, Shirao T. “Role for signal propagation through the hippocampal CA2 field in memory formation”, pp254-266. in Web Intelligence Meets Brain Informatics Ning Zhong, Jiming Liu, Yiyu Yao, Jinglong Wu, Shengfu Lu, Kuncheng Li (Eds) in Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Springer (2007) (book)
74 Aoki C, Mahadomrongkul V, Fujisawa S, Habersat R, Shirao T. “Chemical and morphological alterations of spines within the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex precedes the onset of Alzheimer's disease pathology in double knock-in mice” J. Comp. Neurol. 505:352–362 (2007)
75 Song M, Kojima N, Hanamura K, Sekino Y, Inoue KH, Mikuni M, Shirao T, “Expression of drebrin E in migrating neuroblasts in adult rat brain: coincidence between drebrin E disappearance from cell body and cessation of migration” Neuroscience. 152:670-682 (2008)
76 Ivanov A, Esclapez M, Pellegrino1 C, Shirao T, and Ferhat L. “Drebrin A regulates the dendritic spine plasticity and synaptic function in cultured hippocampal neurons” J. Cell Sci. 122: 524-534 (2009)
77 Takahashi, T, Yamazaki, H, Hanamura K, Sekino Y and Shirao T “AMPA receptor inhibition causes abnormal dendritic spines by destabilizing drebrin” J Cell Sci. 122:1211-1229 (2009)
78 Mizui T., Kojima N, Yamazaki H, Katayama M, Hanamura K, Shirao T. “Drebrin E is involved in the mechanism regulating axonal growth through actin-myosin interactions.” J Neurochem 109:611-622 (2009).
79 Ito M, Shirao T, Doya K, Sekino Y. “Three-dimensional distribution of Fos-positive neurons in the supramammillary nucleus of the rat exposed to novel environment.” Neurosci. Res. 64: 379-402 (2009)
80 Aoki C, Kojima N, Sabaliauskas N, Shah L, Oakford J, Ahmed T, Yamazaki H, Hanamura K, Shirao T “Drebrin A Knock-Out Eliminates the Rapid Form of Homeostatic Synaptic Plasticity at Excitatory Synapses of Intact Adult Cerebral Cortex” J Comp Neurol 517:105-121 (2009)
81 Okamoto M, Suzuki Y, Shirai K, Mizui T, Yoshida Y, Noda S,. Al-Jahdari WS, Shirao T, Nakano T. “Effect of Irradiation on the Development of Immature Hippocampal Neurons In Vitro” Radiat Res 172:718-724 (2009)
82 Kojima N, Hanamura K, Yamazaki H, Ikeda T, Itohara S, Shirao T. “Genetic disruption of the alternative splicing of drebrin gene impairs context-dependent fear learning in adulthood” Neuroscience 165: 138-150 (2010)
83 Mercer JC, Mottram LF Qi Q, Lee YC, Bruce D, Iyer A, Yamazaki H, Shirao T, Choe MH,. Peterson BR, August A “Chemico-Genetic Identification of Drebrin as a Regulator of Calcium Responses.” Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol. 42:337-345 (2010)
84 Pérez-Martínez M, Gordón-Alonso M, Cabrero JR, Barrero-Villar M, Rey M, Mittelbrunn M, Lamana A, Morlino G, Calabia C, Yamazaki H, Shirao T, Vázquez J, González-Amaro R, Veiga E, Sánchez-Madrid F. “F-actin-binding protein drebrin regulates CXCR4 recruitment to the immune synapse” J. Cell Sci. 123:1160-1170 (2010)
85 Hanamura, K, Mizui T, Kakizaki T, Roppongi TR, Yamazaki H, Yanagawa Y, Shirao T. “Low accumulation of drebrin at glutamatergic postsynaptic sites on GABAergic neurons” Neuroscience 169: 1489-1500 (2010)
86 Kaminuma T, Suzuki Y, Shirai K, Mizui T, Noda S, Yosida Y, Funayama T, Takahasi T, Kobayashi Y, Shirao T, Nakano T. “Effectiveness of carbon-ion beams for apoptosis induction in rat primary immature hippocampal neurons” J Radiat Res (Tokyo) 51:627-631 (2010)
87 Okamoto T,, Endo S, Shirao T, and Nagao S. “Role of Cerebellar Cortical Protein Synthesis in Transfer of Memory Trace of Cerebellum-Dependent Motor Learning” J. Neurosci. 31: 8958-8966 (2011)
88 Han W, Takamatsu Y, Yamamoto H, Kasai S, Endo S, Shirao T, Kojima N, Ikeda K. “Inhibitory role of inducible cAMP early repressor (ICER) in methamphetamine-induced locomotor sensitization” PLoS One 6(6):e21637 (2011)
89 Tanaka K, Sato K, Yoshida T, Fukuda T, Hanamura K, Kojima N, Shirao T, Yanagawa T, and Watanabe H. “Evidence for cell density affecting C2C12 myogenesis: possible regulation of myogenesis by cell-cell communication.” Muscle and Nerve, 44:968-977 (2011)
90 Kobayashi-Yamazaki C, Shirao T, Sasagawa Y, Maruyama Y, Akita H, Saji M, and Sekino Y. “Lesions of the supramammillary nucleus decrease self-grooming behavior of rats placed in an open field” The Kitakanto Medical Jorunal , 61:287-292 (2011)
91 Annalisa Mancini, Dario Sirabella, Weijia Zhang, Hiroyuki Yamazaki, Tomoaki Shirao and Robert S Krauss “Regulation of myoblast fusion by the actin-binding factor drebrin” Skeletal Muscle 1-36 (2011)
92 Okamotoa,T, Shirao, T, Shutoha, F, Suzukia, T, Nagaoa, S“Post-training cerebellar cortical activity plays an important role for consolidation of memory of cerebellum-dependent motor learning.” Neurosci Lett. 504: 53-56. (2011)
93 K Kato, T Shirao, H Yamazaki, K Imamura, Y Sekino: Regulation of AMPA receptor recruitment by the actin binding protein drebrin in cultured hippocampal neurons. J. Neurosci. Neuroeng. 1: 153-160 (2012)
94 Shirai K, Mizui T, Suzuki Y, Okamoto M, Hanamura K, Yoshida Y, Hino M, Noda S, Al-HahdariI, Chakravarti A, Shirao T, Nakano T, “X-Irradiation Changes Dendritic Spine Morphology and Density through Reduction of Cytoskeletal Proteins in Mature Neurons” Radiation Research 179: 630-636 (2013)
95 Roppongi RT, Kojima N, Hanamura K, Yamazaki H, Shirao T. “Selective reduction of drebrin and actin in dendritic spines of hippocampal neurons by activation of 5-HT2A receptors.” Neurosci. Lett. 547:76-81 (2013)
96 Shirao T, González-Billault “Actin filaments and microtubules in dendritic spines.” J Neurochem 126: 155-164 (2013)
97 Yuta Ishizuka, Naomasa Kakiya, Lee A. Witters, Noriko Oshiro, Tomoaki Shirao, Hiroyuki Nawa and Nobuyuki Takei “AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) counteracts brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)-induced mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) signaling in neurons” J Neurochem. 127:66-77 (2013)
98 Ishikawa M, Shiota J, Ishibashi Y, Hakamata T, Shoji S, Fukuchi M, Tsuda M, Shirao T, Sekino Y, Ohtsuka T, Baraban JM and Tabuchi A. “Identification, expression and characterization of rat isoforms of the SRF coactivator MKL1” FEBS Open Bio. 3:387-93 (2013)
99 Yamazaki H, Kojima N, Kato K, Hirose H, Iwasaki T, Mizui T, Takahashi H, Hanamura K, Roppongi RT, Koibuchi N, Sekino Y, Mori N, Shirao T. “Spikar, a novel drebrin-binding protein, regulates the formation and stabilization of dendritic spines.” J Neurochem. 128: 507-522 (2014)
100 Mizui T, Sekino Y, Yamazaki1, Yuta Ishizuka H, Takahashi H, Kojima N, Kojima M and ShiraoT. “Myosin II ATPase activity mediates the long-term potentiation-induced exodus of stable F-actin bound by drebrin A from dendritic spines” PLoS One. 9(1):e85367. (2014)
101 Ishikawa M, Shiota J, Ishibashi1 Y, Hakamata T, Shoji S, Fukuchi M, Masaaki Tsuda M, Shirao T, Sekino Y, Baraban JM and Tabuchi A. “Cellular localization and dendritic function of rat isoforms of the SRF coactivator MKL1 in cortical neurons.” NeuroReport 25:585-592 (2014)
102 Tanabe K, Yamazaki H, Inaguma Y, Asada A, Kimura T, Takahashi J, Taoka M, Ohshima T, Furuichi T, Isobe T, Nagata K, Shirao T, Hisanaga S. “Phosphorylation of drebrin by cyclin-dependent kinase 5 and its role in neuronal migration.” PLoS One. 9:e92291 (2014)
103 Yuta Ishizuka, Hideo Shimizu, Eiko Takagi, Mai Kato, Hirotaka Yamagata, Masahiko Mikuni, Tomoaki Shirao. “Histone deacetylase mediates the decrease in drebrin cluster density induced by amyloid beta oligomers” Neurochem. Int. 76:114-121 (2014)
104 Kudo S, Suzuki Y, Noda S, Mizui T, Shirai K, Okamoto M, Kaminuma T, Yoshida Y, Shirao T and Nakano T. “Comparison of the radiosensitivities of neurons and glial cells derived from the same rat brain.” Exp. Ther. Med. 8: 754-758, 2014
105 Fujieda T, Koganezawa N, Ide Y, Shirao T and Sekino Y. “A Inhibitory Pathway Controlling the Gating Mechanism of the Lateral Amygdala Revealed by Voltage Sensitive Dye Imaging” Neuroscience Letters, 590:126-131(2015)
106 Shi-Qiong Xu, Simone Buraschi, Alaide Morcavallo, Marco Genua, Tomoaki Shirao, Stephen C. Peiper, Leonard G. Gomella, Ruth Birbe, Antonino Belfiore, Renato V. Iozzo and Andrea Morrione “A novel role for drebrin in regulating progranulin bioactivity in bladder cancer.” Oncotarget 6:10825-10839 (2015) 10.18632/oncotarget.3424
107 Shimizu H, Ishizuka Y, Yamazaki H, Shirao T. “Allopregnanolone increases mature excitatory synapses along dendrites via protein kinase A signaling” Neuroscience 305:139-45 (2015) 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2016.03.015
108 Shioda N, Sawai M, Ishizuka Y, Shirao T., Fukunaga K. “Nuclear translocation of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IIδ3 promoted by protein phosphatase-1 enhances brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression in dopaminergic neurons.” J. Biol. Chem. 290:21663-21675 (2015) 10.1074/jbc.M115.664920
109 Ohara Y, Koganezawa N, Yamazaki H, Roppongi RT, Sato K, Sekino Y, Shirao T, “Early-stage development of human-induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC)-derived neurons” J. Neurosci. Res. 93:1804-13 (2015) 10.1002/jnr.23666
110 Shirao T., Koganezawa N. (2015) The Role of Drebrin-Binding Stable Actin Filaments in Dendritic Spine Morphogenesis. pp.363-372, In: Schatten H. (eds) The Cytoskeleton in Health and Disease. Springer, New York, NY
111 Anggraeini P, Koganezawa N, Kojima N., Tanaka N, Nakano T, Shirao T “X-irradiation induces acute cognitive decline via transient synaptic dysfunction.” Rad. Res. 185, 423–430 (2016) 10.1667/RR14236.1
112 Kojima K, Yasuda H, Hanamura K, Ishizuka Y, Sekino Y, Shirao T. “Drebrin A regulates hippocampal LTP and hippocampus-dependent fear learning in adult mice” Neuroscience. 324: 218–226 (2016) 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2016.03.015
113 Shirao T, Hanamura K, Koganezawa N, Ishizuka Y, Yamazaki H, Sekino Y. “The role of drebrin in neurons” J Neurochem. 2017 Jun;141(6):819-834. doi: 10.1111/jnc.13988. Epub 2017 Apr 21. Review.
114 Koganezawa N, Hanamura K, Sekino Y, Shirao T. “The role of drebrin in dendritic spines” Mol Cell Neurosci. 2017 Feb 1. pii: S1044-7431(16)30205-6. doi: 10.1016/j.mcn.2017.01.004. [Epub ahead of print] Review.
115 Kajita Y, Kojima N, Koganezawa N, Yamazaki H, Sakimura K, Shirao T. “Drebrin E regulates neuroblast proliferation and chain migration in the adult brain “ Eur J Neurosci. 2017 Sep;46(6):2214-2228. doi: 10.1111/ejn.13668. Epub 2017 Sep 7.
116 Li B, Ding S, Feng N, Mooney N, Ooi YS, Ren L, Diep J, Kelly MR, Yasukawa LL, Patton JT, Yamazaki H, Shirao T, Jackson PK, Greenberg HB “Drebrin restricts rotavirus entry by inhibiting dynamin-mediated endocytosis” Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017 May 2;114(18):E3642-E3651. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1619266114. Epub 2017 Apr 17.
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118 Shirao T, Sekino Y. “General Introduction to Drebrin” Adv Exp Med Biol. 2017;1006:3-22. doi: 10.1007/978-4-431-56550-5_1.
119 Shirao T, Koganezawa N, Yamazaki H, Hanamura K, Imamura K. “Localization of Drebrin: Light Microscopy Study” Adv Exp Med Biol. 2017;1006:105-118. doi: 10.1007/978-4-431-56550-5_7
120 Sekino Y, Koganezawa N, Mizui T, Shirao T. “Role of Drebrin in Synaptic Plasticity” Adv Exp Med Biol. 2017;1006:183-201. doi: 10.1007/978-4-431-56550-5_11.
121 Yamazaki H, Shirao T. “Homer, Spikar, and Other Drebrin-Binding Proteins in the Brain”Adv Exp Med Biol. 2017;1006:249-268. doi: 10.1007/978-4-431-56550-5_14
122 Miao S, Koganezawa N, Hanamura K, Puspitasari A, Shirao T. "N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor mediates X-irradiation-induced drebrin decrease in hippocampus" Kitakanto Medical Journal (2018) 68: 111-115.
123 Hanamura K, Kamata Y, Yamazaki H, Kojima N, Shirao T, “Isoform-dependent regulation of drebrin dynamics in dendritic spines.” Neuroscience (2018) 379: 67–76. Doi 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2018.02.038
124 Yamazaki H, Sasagawa Y, Yamamoto H, Bito H, Shirao T. “CaMKIIβ is localized in dendritic spines as both drebrin-dependent and drebrin-independent pools” J. Neurochem. (2018) 146:145-159. doi: 10.1111/jnc.14449.
125 Yasuda H, Kojima N, Yamazaki H, Hanamura K, Sakimura K, Shirao T. “"Drebrin isoforms critically regulate NMDAR- and mGluR-dependent LTD induction"” Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience Front Cell Neurosci. 2018 Oct 8;12:330. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2018.00330. eCollection 2018.
126 Yin XL, Jia QF, Zhang GY, Zhang JP, Shirao T, Jiang CX, Yin XY, Liu YS, Chen P, Gu XC, Qian ZK, Yin GZ, Sen Xia H, Hui L. “Association between decreased serum TBIL concentration and immediate memory impairment in schizophrenia patients.” Sci Rep. 2019 Feb 7;9(1):1622. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-38227-6.
127 Daisuke Miki, Yuki Kobayashi, Tomoya Okada, Tatuso Miyamoto, Nobuyuki Takei, Yuko Sekino, Noriko Koganezawa, Tomoaki Shirao, Yumiko Saito “Characterization of functional primary cilia in human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neurons” 2019 Neurochem Res. 44(7):1736-1744. doi: 10.1007/s11064-019-02806-4.
128 Mitsuoka T, Hanamura K, Koganezawa N, Kikura-Hanajiri R, Sekino Y, Shirao T. “Assessment of NMDA receptor inhibition of phencyclidine analogues using a high-throughput drebrin immunocytochemical assay” J Pharmacol Toxicol Methods 2019 May 10:106583. doi: 10.1016/j.vascn.2019.106583.
129 Hanamura K, Koganezawa N, Kamiyama K, Tanaka N, Oka T, Yamamura M, Sekino Y, Shirao T. “High-content imaging analysis for detecting the loss of drebrin clusters along dendrites in cultured hippocampal neurons.” J Pharmacol Toxicol Methods. 2018 Sep - Oct;99:106607. doi: 10.1016/j.vascn.2019.106607.
130 Puspitasari A, Yamazaki H, Kawamura H, Nakano T, Takahashi A, Shirao T, Held KD. “X-irradiation of developing hippocampal neurons causes changes in neuron population phenotypes, dendritic morphology and synaptic protein expression in surviving neurons at maturity” Neurosci. Res. 2020 Nov;160:11-24. doi: 10.1016/j.neures.2019.11.002.
131 Koganezawa N, Shirao T. “Development of an in vitro assay to evaluated higher brain functions for drug discovery” in Columns, AMED iD3 Catalyst Unit, http://www.id3catalyst.jp/e/column09.html (2020)
132 Dombroski TCD, Peixoto-Santos JE, Maciel K, Baqui MMA, Velasco TR, Sakamoto AC, Assirati JA, Carlotti CG, Machado HR, Sousa GK, Hanamura K, Leite JP, Costa da Costa J, Palmini AL, Paglioli E, Neder L, Spreafico R, Shirao T, Garbelli R, Martins AR. “Drebrin expression patterns in patients with refractory temporal lobe epilepsy and hippocampal sclerosis.” Epilepsia. 2020 Jul 14. doi: 10.1111/epi.16595.
133 Yasuda H, Yamamoto H, Hanamura K, Mehruba M, Kawamata T, Morisaki H, Miyamoto M, Takada S, Shirao T, Ono Y, Mukai H. “PKN1 promotes synapse maturation by inhibiting mGluR-dependent silencing through neuronal glutamate transporter activation.” Commun Biol. 2020 Nov 26;3(1):710. doi: 10.1038/s42003-020-01435-w.
134 Ariyani W, Miyazaki W, Amano I, Hanamura K, Shirao T, Koibuchi N. “Soy Isoflavones Accelerate Glial Cell Migration via GPER-Mediated Signal Transduction Pathway.” Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2020 Nov 4;11:554941. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2020.554941.
135 Kobayashi Y, Okada T, Miki D, Sekino Y, Koganezawa N, Shirao T, Diniz GB, Saito Y. Properties of primary cilia in melanin-concentrating hormone receptor 1-bearing hippocampal neurons in vivo and in vitro. Neurochem Int. 2021 Jan;142:104902. doi: 10.1016/j.neuint.2020.104902.
136 Chaji D, Venkatesh VS, Shirao T, Day DJ, Ellenbroek BA. “Genetic Knockout of the Serotonin Reuptake Transporter Results in the Reduction of Dendritic Spines in In vitro Rat Cortical Neuronal Culture.” J Mol Neurosci. 2021 Jan 5. doi: 10.1007/s12031-020-01764-9.
137 Noriko Koganezawa, Yuko Sekino, Hitomi Kawakami, Hiroyuki Fuchino, Nobuo Kawahara, Tomoaki Shirao. “NMDA receptor-dependent and -independent effects of natural compounds and crude drugs on synaptic states as revealed by drebrin imaging analysis” Eur. J. Neurosci. in press
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30. 小林聡、林謙介、伊佐かおる、井上洋、大江千廣、白尾智明「蛋白リン酸化酵素阻害薬の培養神経細胞移動に及ぼす影響」神経化学33: 344-345 (1994)
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37. 田中聡一、小林聡、林謙介、平井俊策、白尾智明「培養小脳顆粒細胞移動抑制の免疫組織化学的解析」神経組織の成長,再生,移植 7:3-4(1995)
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39. 佐々木洋、林謙介、白尾智明、石川良樹、小濱一弘「脳ファシンの解析:アクチン線維結合・束化能に及ぼすドレブリンの影響」神経化学34: 292-293 (1995)
40. 池田圭朗、白尾智明、戸谷重雄、植村慶一「アクチン結合蛋白ドレブリンAによる細胞骨格及び細胞接着の変化」神経化学34: 294-295 (1995)
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42. 白尾智明「ドレブリンE1、E2、A」タンパク質化学講座 第9巻 脳・神経タンパク質、接着タンパク質 (野村靖幸編)218-221(1995)
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44. 猿木信裕、関野祐子、白尾智明「一過性脳虚血後の海馬神経細胞におけるドレブリンの変化」神経科学 神経化学35: 302-303 (1996)
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46. 白尾智明 「ドレブリンタンパク質の構造と機能」志水義房・井出千束・川村弘毅・戸谷重雄・東儀英夫 編 「神経の再生と機能再建」西村書店pp73-79 (1997)
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50. 関野祐子、白尾智明「海馬内興奮伝播のゲート機構」神経研究の進歩 45:283-296(2001)
51. 井上洋、手塚美佳、小田修、西秀夫、永関慶重、小林聡、白尾智明 「幼若脳の修復と脳室下領域(SVZ)細胞の役割―ラットを用いた免疫組織学的分析―」 小児の脳神経28: 331-335 (2003)
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55. 児島伸彦、白尾智明「神経疾患とドレブリン」Clinical Neuroscience 24: 1392-1393 (2006)
56. 高橋 秀人、白尾 智明「スパイン形成とシナプス後部アクチンの特殊化-ドレブリンの関与」生体の科学 58: 103-107 (2007)
57. 田中聡一、白尾智明 「シグナルトランスダクション――レセプターと細胞内情報伝達カスケード」 石渡、桂、桐野、美宅 編 「生物物理学ハンドブック」朝倉書店 (2007.4.25著書) 240-243
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59. 白尾智明「シナプス特異的アクチン結合蛋白ドレブリンを用いた神経細胞老化診断システムの開発」北関東産学官研究会 技術情報誌「HiKaLo」 26: 24-27 (2007) (査読無し)
60. 花村健次、白尾智明「神経細胞樹状突起スパインのアクチン細胞骨格」日本薬理学雑誌130,352~357(2007)(査読あり)
61. 白尾智明「統合領域としての生理学の存在意義」日本生理学雑誌69,341-342(2007)
62. 児島伸彦、関野祐子、白尾智明 「樹状突起スパインの形成と機能制御にかかわるアクチン細胞骨格蛋白質」. 蛋白質核酸酵素 53: 424-429, 2008
63. 山崎博幸、白尾智明「シナプスの細胞骨格」Clinical Neuroscience 28:858-861 (2010)
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